MoRTH Circulars

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways

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RW/NH -34062/01/2020-S&R (B) - Online Permission for single unit ODCs_ OWCs consignment on Modular Hydraulic Trailer HT_1 to HT_13 on National Highways in the Country-Reg_0001

Date: 17/01/2024

GSR 21 E130121 Inserting MHT in MV act

Date: 13/01/2021

GSR 272 E 050422 Renewal of certificate of fitness for transport vehicle

Date: 05/04/2022

RW NH 35072 01 2010 S&R(B) 240820 - Online permission for single unit ODC-OWC on MHT HT 1to HT 13

Date: 24/08/2020

RW NH 34049 1 2014 S&R(B) PT 200723 - Bridges in damaged condition - reporting for annual repairs

Date: 12/12/2022

RW NH 33044 10 2021S&R(P&B) 060223 Deck width of Bridges

Date: 06/02/2023

RW 25035 07 2023 RS PART 221534 200723 -Guidelines for provision of signages on EXP way- NH

Date: 20/07/2023

RW NH 35072 01 2014 S&R(B) 200415 - Online Permission for single Unit ODC-OWC on MHT - HT 1 to HT 13.

Date: 20/04/2015

SO 1434 E 180416 - RLW of puller to 36 MT

Date: 18/04/2016

RT 11036 12 202 MVL 150121 - Types of MVs on basis of MDL

Date: 15/01/2021

GSR 212 E 200315 Life of puller & axles

Date: 20/03/2015

GSR 1096 E 281116 - MV fitness validity

Date: 28/11/2016

GSR 116 E 290817 Ammendment to CMVR rule 47 for registration of Puller & tractor

Date: 29/08/2017

RT 11028 11 2017 MVL 070818 - Overloading

Date: 07/08/2018

GSR 492 E 160723 - Fitting Air condition in cabin

Date: 10/07/2023

SO 3467 E 160718 - Axle load notification

Date: 16/07/2018

GSR 414 E 260620 - Dimension of vehicles

Date: 26/06/2020

RW NH 35072 01 2010 S&R(B) 020621 - Online permission MHT Time reduction 15 days

Date: 02/06/2021

RW NH 35072 01 2010 S&R(B) 240113 Guidlines for movement of ODC-OWC.

Date: 24/01/2013

301, Commercial Manor,
4th Cross Clive Road,
Masjid Bunder (East),
Mumbai - 400009,
Maharashtra, India.
