
Overall Growth

HTOA's Main Objective

To acquire and disseminate knowledge about the working of Hydraulic Trailer operations in different countries and induce the members to raise the standards of service to various core industries by issuing circulars, pamphlets and periodicals and similar such documents.


To facilitate formulation of constructive policies for bringing about overall improvement in hydraulic axle operators / project transporters conditions all over India. 

To collect, classify and circulate information relating to the hydraulic axle operators/project transporters among the members and/or to the public at large in order to highlight the progress and overall development of the project transportation all over India.

To communicate with concerned authorities / clients on problems raised by members regarding hydraulic trailer operations, seek clarifications and solutions to the problems confronting the interest of the members and disseminate the same among all concerned. 

To organize Trade and Industrial Missions comprising of members, specialists and entrepreneurs both in India and abroad, to arrange meetings with the Foreign Trade and Industrial teams visiting India. 

To formulate expert opinion on topical subjects and to submit wherever necessary recommendations to the concerned authorities and to render advice to the members 

To render expert advice to the members from time to time on different problems and solutions thereto in connection with taxation and other legal matters. 

To encourage, assist, guide and render specialized services in hydraulic trailer operation to small / large scale industries. 

To act as an Information Centre, to collect literature, books, periodicals, magazines and other publications from all over the world, to disseminate factual information on all matters concerning business and industry, to establish and run a modern library for reference assistance and advantage of the members. 

To publish books and brochures on subjects of topical interest and proceedings of seminars and conferences organized by the Hydraulic Trailer Owner's Association. 

To act as a Centre for extending common facilities to the members. 

To act as a centre of studies and research on subjects of interest to members. 

To organize exhibitions and/or take up mass communication projects by means of news, letters, circulars, notices, newspapers, magazines, periodicals, cinemas, television, radio etc. 

To promote the business of hydraulic trailer transportation. 

To establish effective communication for supporting or opposing the policies of the Government in the interest of the Association. 

To impart training and guidance to young persons with a view to enabling them for employment in association members 

To arrange facilities for books, guides, data and information, to conduct courses and to hold examinations in professional as well as vocational disciplines. 

To establish or support or aid in the establishment and support of associations, institutions, funds and trusts calculated to benefit employees or ex-employees of the Association or their dependants and grant them pensions and other allowances. 

To import upto-date scientific knowledge about the working of Hydraulic Trailers and make available the result of scientific research carried on in other countries about the use of fuel, lubricants etc. 

To represent to the Government or other authorities for the construction, maintenance and improvement of motorable roads in the country in achieving the objects of the Association. 

To represent to the Government for the construction of bridges, waiting rooms, parking places and other structures tending to assist the convenience or development of the transportation of any kind. 

To discuss, support, oppose any legislative or executive measures by all legitimate and constitutional means which affect or are likely to affect the Hydraulic Trailer Trade. 

To guard and defend all lawful and legitimate rights and privileges. 

To take up, consider, discuss and put forward the view points of the Hydraulic Trailer operational trade on any question generally affecting the trade by organizing, promoting, attending conferences, organizing lectures and other useful function. 

To arbitrate dispute, among its members where its assistance in that matter is sought. 

To arbitrate disputes inter se amongst members and their clients where assistance in that matter is sought and to secure services of experts, technical and other experienced persons as expedient. 

To cater for the social and economic welfare of its members. 

To consider all matters affecting the hydraulic trailer transportation business. 

To fix and maintain a standard level of Road Freights for different stations operated by hydraulic trailer operators and to take necessary steps to stabilize rates and eliminate under bidding, under quoting and unhealthy competition. 

To device ways and means for realization by its member moneys due to them in the said trade or business and assisting them in all possible ways for this purpose. 

To become members of other trade organizations like those engaged in the Transport trade, Chambers of Commerce, and other such organizations, which are devoting their attention towards the welfare of hydraulic trailer operation for the mutual benefit of the hydraulic trailer operators.

To carry on propaganda in the press by contributing articles or advertising Cinema slides, posters, Hand Bills to popularize hydraulic trailer operation and to publish official organ or organs if deemed necessary. 

To represent officially the views of the hydraulic trailer operation to Government of India, State Government or other suitable authorities, local Chambers of Commerce, Trade Association or any other public or private bodies and to nominate representatives to serve on the Committee appointed by the Government or Legislative Bodies of some other agency. 

To take up such steps by personal or written appeals, public meetings, or otherwise as may from time to time be deemed expedient for the purpose of procuring contributions to the funds of the Association in the shape of Donations from members and non-members subscriptions and admission fee or otherwise. 

To affiliate such other Unions or other Associations, Companies or Corporations whose aims and objects of the Association, movable or immovable property and construct, and maintain, vary or alter any building or works necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Association. 

To purchase, take on lease, or hire or otherwise to acquire as a gift for any one or more other objects of the Association, movable or immovable property construct and maintain, vary or alter any building or work necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Association. 

To facilitate collection, or help to collect, debts due to members from their constituent. 

To act as Trustee(s) for persons indebted to the members and others and to make arrangements for securing of such debts by installments or otherwise to take a security therefore in the name of the Association to enforce such security whenever and wherever necessary. 

To charge fees, either lump sum or, on percentage basis, as may be fixed, for services rendered to the members and others. 

To draw, accept, endorse cheques, bills, hundies, notices or other negotiable instruments and to operate on the accounts of the Association with any bank or bankers. 

To sell, manage, lease, mortgage, dispose of or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property of the Association. 

To provide and maintain a General Fund to be raised by any means (by levying monthly subscription) and also at such rates as may be desired by the Association in General meeting and to utilize the General Fund. 

To invest any money of the Association not immediately required for any of its objects, in such a manner as may from time to time be determined. 

To subscribe to any local or other charities and to grant donations for any public purpose and to provide super annuation funds for the servants of the Association and otherwise to assist any such servants, their widows and children. 

To secure and obtain from any Government, Municipal, local or Railway authorities or public Body or Bodies or industrial concerns and manufacturer and powers, rights, privileges, licences or concession, which the Association may think fit for the benefit of the members of the Association. 

To provide for and grant scholarships for studies, inland and overseas or otherwise to the dependents of the members and for their employees on such terms and conditions as may be deemed fit from time to time. 

PROVIDED that the objects set forth in the several paragraphs of this clause shall have the wildest possible construction and that the objects specified in each paragraph of this clause shall, except, when otherwise expressed in such paragraphs; be independent of the main object and shall be no way limited or restricted by reference to or inference from, that PROVIDED FURTHER that the Association Company shall not support with its funds or endeavour to impose on or procure to be observed by its members other any regulations would make it a trade union. 

To undertake and execute any trust or agency business which may seem directly or indirectly conducive to any of the objects Association. The object of the Association extend to the whole of India.

The income and property of the Association wherever derived, shall be applied solely for the promotion of its objects as set forth in this memorandum. 

To establish and support and to aid in establishment and support of any other Association formed for all or any of the objects of the Association. 

To transfer all or any part of the property, assets, liabilities and engagements of this Association to any one or more Companies, institutions, Societies or Associations with which this Association is authorized to amalgamate. 

To purchase otherwise acquire and undertake all or any part of the property, assets, liabilities and engagements of any one or more of the Companies, Institutions, Societies or Associations with which this Association is authorized to amalgamate. 

To frame bye-laws, rules and regulations for the conduct of the Officers and staff in order to carry out the various objects of the Association. 

To nominate representatives of the Association to the various Government and similar bodies and or Chambers of Commerce including similar bodies. 

Provided that the association shall not support its funds or endeavor to impose on or procure to be observed by its members or any other delegations or restrictions which, if any object of the company would make in trade union.


1504, Meraki Arena,

Opp. R K Studio,

Sion Trombay Road,

Chembur East,

Mumbai – 400071,

Maharashtra - India
